Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post

Since this thread is about the fall of the GOP, I would like to make this case; if you don't want your kids or grandkids, including girls, to be sucked off to some stupid unconstitutional war and/or be paid sub standard wages serving involuntarily, voting for the right GOP candidates is an option.
Correct. At the same time voting for the wrong one is catastrophic.

Vindictive prejudicial hate filled knee jerk reactions are not leadership in the slightest.

The Solar Wind hack. Everyone in the intelligence community and the private computer security industry informed President Trump that the Russians perpetrated the hack. What does Trump do in response? Blame the Chinese. All that does is motivate our adversaries to screw with us more. The Chinese because they were falsely blamed. The Russians because we spend more resources against the Chinese. The stupidity of Trumps idiotic axe grinding has serious repercussions.

One would think you could see the damage he can inflict. Considering he single handedly just lost the Republicans the house, senate, WH, Arizona, Georgia and the list is not done because he isn’t. The vindictiveness will continue.