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  1. #1

    Default Super Bowl Sunday

    Living in Tampa the hype is crazy,it’s not a sport that I follow but because they limited the capacity to 7000,

    Tickets are selling from $7000 to $250,000,you can also send them a picture and some money and they will make a cardboard cutout of you to place in the stands.

    When the vaccinations first came out they gave the doctors and other first responders free tickets to take the shot,I wonder how many sold those verses actually using them.

    Most that I know dropped the NFL long ago and started supporting college teams instead.

    I think it is kinda sad though that it has all come down to a sport for the rich along with other sports,the song of take your kid to the ball game,has changed even with prices of $500 per normal games it has wiped out the family outing and experiences for many.

  2. #2


    I keep reading in the news feeds a lot of big name advertisers are dropping out. I'm not sure if it's true or a ploy to get the price down. Either way, I don't care about commercial sports.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; February-02-21 at 02:57 PM.

  3. #3


    ^^^ Too political and money embedded for me. I try to practice my own form of sports stepping away from the increasingly sordid home-plate of retributive politics to my own forms of sports: 8 miles on my indoor exercise bike - so far this week. With some light weight training...
    It's all free...... music playlist is great -- costs alot less and yet affirms a bit more health and peace of mind!
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-02-21 at 03:21 PM.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    I keep reading in the news feeds a lot of big name advertisers are dropping out. I'm not sure if it's true or a ploy to get the price down. Either way, I don't care about commercial sports.
    I think you’re right. I see even Budweiser is taking the year off. It sounds like some large sponsors might be paying for charitable groups to utilize their space.

  5. #5


    Anheiser-Busch is not doing a televised commercial for Bud; they did an internet based one for Budweiser, but they are doing a commercial for Bud Light. They are giving the Bud money to Covid relief. Coke is doing the same thing. It's not that they are betting against sports; they're going the charitable route this year; it will garner a ton of goodwill. Probably a bigger money maker than millions of $ commercial

  6. #6


    They probably could use the write off,but they are not an American company anymore.

    They are known for being one of the largest polluters,so they are most likely trying to buy points in a green world.

    They took over and immediately laid off 2000 workers and stopped giving out the free beer samples,that had been a staple at Bush Gardens for over 50 years and lost a lot of customers because of that.

    If they are giving to charity there is a reason,they are run strictly by the pencil pushers and do noting that does not benefit them.

    Coke n Pepsi also said they were not going to advertise either.

    I think a lot of it has to do with the optics of spending millions on a 30 second commercial when millions are hurting.

    Because they all have had record sales years during the Covid mess.

    I would not be surprised if they sent the Clydesdales to the glue factory in order to cut costs.

    The massive warehouse here sells the outdated and stale beer at a discount to the little hood stores,which is illegal as hell.
    Last edited by Richard; February-03-21 at 12:25 AM.

  7. #7


    I don’t know where you come up with all this crap, or why, other than the obvious.

    I’m not a Budweiser fan but,

    According to Reuters and other news organizations, Budweiser has switched all its U.S. brewing to renewable energy.
    Anheuser Busch, the worlds biggest brewer is one of more than 100 multinational firms to have committed to use renewable power to combat pollution and climate change under the Paris Accord.

    I’m sure we could find fault with their business practices or something they’re doing that doesn’t live up to your standards, but why bother.

    If you’re referring to their production plant and warehouse in Jacksonville, they’re being referred to as one of the top recycling plants in Florida on top of utilizing renewable energy.

    If you want to say their beer sucks, I’m on board. Other than that, give it a rest.

  8. #8


    Everyone is so on edge. It's all so fixed and decided when we really know so much is unsettled and unsettling whatever your side.

    This is one of the reasons I am at the point of just backing off such discussions - or my time spent therein.

    Just short of a beer [[whatever your brand), cheers right now during the day [[smile) to a hefty 22 oz bottle of tap-drawn water.

    How do people drink those 8 to 10 glasses a day? LOL!

    If I watched football I think I'd op for college level.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by old guy View Post
    I don’t know where you come up with all this crap, or why, other than the obvious.

    I’m not a Budweiser fan but,

    According to Reuters and other news organizations, Budweiser has switched all its U.S. brewing to renewable energy.
    Anheuser Busch, the worlds biggest brewer is one of more than 100 multinational firms to have committed to use renewable power to combat pollution and climate change under the Paris Accord.

    I’m sure we could find fault with their business practices or something they’re doing that doesn’t live up to your standards, but why bother.

    If you’re referring to their production plant and warehouse in Jacksonville, they’re being referred to as one of the top recycling plants in Florida on top of utilizing renewable energy.

    If you want to say their beer sucks, I’m on board. Other than that, give it a rest.
    So would you feel better if I pre-submitted my post to you first?

    You know,do you can make sure there is nothing printed that triggers or offends you? If I am expected to post for your pleasure then,I guess that would be the way to go.

    That post was about companies pandering and joining social justice causes,I am not much for fake people and businesses.

    Used to be businesses for the most part remained neutral out of fear of alienating half of their customers,I provided an example of one that choose not to and suffered the consequences and now turns it around like they are supporting the cause.

    They did not switch to hand sanitizer production to be a nice caring corporation,they did it because of the lockdowns were cutting into revenue streams.

    A few weeks ago the ones pulling out of the Super Bowl were saying it was because revenues were down and it was expensive,now it becomes it is because we care about you.

    I cannot say their beer sucks because I am not a beer drinker,but their bud light seems to be a staple of the south.

    That is why I did not print their beer sucks,but feel free to read into it what ever floats yer boat.

    To many bandwagon causes,ruins the authenticity of them,and the long term commitment to them,I will just refer to them as pop up causes.
    Last edited by Richard; February-03-21 at 03:07 PM.

  10. #10


    I appreciated the NFL's efforts this year towards pulling off the 2020 season. Once they successfully pulled off the draft, I knew they were going to play. After all the taking a knee garbage, calling them 'sons a bitches', and people complaining who didn't watch anyway, now we get to watch what will obviously be the highest rated Super Bowl audience ever. I'm looking forward to it !
    Last edited by Bong-Man; February-06-21 at 10:29 AM.

  11. #11


    Yea,they have been closing down streets and having street parties all week,even though it has been freezing in the 60s,funny how super spreader events only apply to some lines of thought.

    They also have been cracking down on merchandise patent infringement with the NFL and DHS knocking on doors.

    People are crazy,post online the location of the street corner tent you set up to sell fake merchandise,and wonder why 20 cars just surrounded your place with flashing lights.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Yea,they have been closing down streets and having street parties all week,even though it has been freezing in the 60s,funny how super spreader events only apply to some lines of thought.

    They also have been cracking down on merchandise patent infringement with the NFL and DHS knocking on doors.

    People are crazy,post online the location of the street corner tent you set up to sell fake merchandise,and wonder why 20 cars just surrounded your place with flashing lights.
    I should also mention that thanks to the recent wave of legal gambling, this will also be the most bet on Super Bowl ever.

    60 degrees ? Hell, I still remember standing out in the 16 degree weather to watch Mark Farner perform downtown for Super Bowl XL @ Ford Field. I still wonder how he played guitar in that weather....and he did a great job ! That was a heatwave compared to Super Bowl XVI @ Pontiac. I think it was 3 degrees with 30 mph winds one of those partying nights. Ah, to be young & stupid again.

  13. #13


    The dark side of things.

    We have a historic city within the city called Ybor city,it was originally established back in the day as the cigar industry took hold,it is kinda like if you took a small town and dropped it into a city.

    Main street is like any other perserved Main Street being flanked with historical multi story buildings,mostly with clubs and restaurants and the current switch with the residential being put back into the upper stories.

    That part is a good mile long with the whole district covering 30 blocks or so.

    So a club on the Main Street [[Friday) without informing the city holds a rap concert,with 2 popular rappers that have a known grudge.

    So about 12 pm the riots start,windows shot out of other businesses and smashed and the streets flooded with DHS and every other law enforcement available.

    So the answer was for Saturday night,was to hold another rap concert,but this time the club had been shut down and nobody knew it,this time LEO decided to literally cordon off the entire city blocking all excess to it and trapping the residents inside with no where to escape.

    During the Friday night actions,at about midnight all the other businesses in the city closed down so the employees could get out safely,not this time they were trapped.

    All the highways and entry points into the city were backed up with 1000s of cars looking to get into the city,even people that had booked hotels could not get back into the city until after 5 am.


    You can skip to 1:50 on this one


    Last edited by Richard; February-07-21 at 10:39 AM.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by old guy View Post
    I don’t know where you come up with all this crap, or why, other than the obvious.

    I’m not a Budweiser fan but,

    According to Reuters and other news organizations, Budweiser has switched all its U.S. brewing to renewable energy.
    Anheuser Busch, the worlds biggest brewer is one of more than 100 multinational firms to have committed to use renewable power to combat pollution and climate change under the Paris Accord.

    I’m sure we could find fault with their business practices or something they’re doing that doesn’t live up to your standards, but why bother.

    If you’re referring to their production plant and warehouse in Jacksonville, they’re being referred to as one of the top recycling plants in Florida on top of utilizing renewable energy.

    If you want to say their beer sucks, I’m on board. Other than that, give it a rest.
    Explain to me how the paris acorns are going to lower the earth temperature by .018 degrees in ten years after massive expensive programs at the expense of the US. and that’s a good thing?

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Explain to me how the paris acorns are going to lower the earth temperature by .018 degrees in ten years after massive expensive programs at the expense of the US. and that’s a good thing?
    Because drowning, or frying to death, or perishing of thirst are all highly unpleasant.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    I still remember standing out in the 16 degree weather to watch Mark Farner perform downtown for Super Bowl XL @ Ford Field. I still wonder how he played guitar in that weather....and he did a great job ! That was a heatwave compared to Super Bowl XVI @ Pontiac. I think it was 3 degrees with 30 mph winds one of those partying nights. Ah, to be young & stupid again.
    Remember when ELO was caught lip syncing at the newly-minted Silverdome?


    Wasn't there but there I was [[not there) when Jamiroquai pulled a fan onstage, invited her to name her favorite Jamirosong, she said one they didn't know.

    The confusion / obvious deception that followed, less artistically performed. Always a studio band, true artists in the fine credits, Stevie Wonder he in't.

    Way too young for Stevie Wonder but not for Sonic Youth at Isis.
    Last edited by bust; February-07-21 at 10:07 PM.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Explain to me how the paris acorns are going to lower the earth temperature by .018 degrees in ten years after massive expensive programs at the expense of the US. and that’s a good thing?
    Because by then everybody will be so broke after being taxed so high,they will starve to death,so it will be a smaller population creating less damage.

    France who was considered a leader in Green,was slammed because they could not even meet their same goals that they expected everybody else to.

    Do what everybody else is going to do,set up some fake corporation,call it green and collect millions in federal green grants in order to produce a world saving green product,that nobody will ever produce anyways.

    Filter the funds offshore,kick some back to your contacts in DC who set it all up with the green people,bankrupt the company and retire to your villa in the south of France.

    I got a notice from our electric company,they are adding another 15% to the bill to pay for a solar system that will remove some of the load off of the existing system.To bad I will probably be dead when it is completed 15 years from now,they never even took off the extra fuel charge for when gas hit $4 a gallon.

    Or the other sur-charge for burning coal in order to provide energy,I guess when they bought the utility out they forgot that the coal mines were sold years ago,they just forgot to stop charging the Sur-charge.

    Gasoline has gone up 60c a gallon in the last two weeks,so with grandpa smurf in office my fixed costs have already gone up over $200 a month.

    Expect petro based products to start to increase in price now,which is pretty much everything you touch.

    Lucky for me I can pass those costs on down.

    The funnest thing about the save the planet smurfs,they fill a shopping cart with items wrapped in plastic then get mad because the store offers plastic bags to put it all in.

    Then bans plastic straws and calls that a win.

    They bury the destroyed wind turbines in a separate pit,far away from everybody and everything,because as they degrade they omit toxic chemicals.

    We are not going to die from global warming,we will be living in a toxic wasteland created from going green.

    Until I see anybody that states that they care about the world and actually follows through with their commitment personally,it is all bunk.
    Last edited by Richard; February-07-21 at 11:53 PM.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    Because drowning, or frying to death, or perishing of thirst are all highly unpleasant.
    I have a bridge to sell you!

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Remember when ELO was caught lip syncing at the newly-minted Silverdome?


    Wasn't there but there I was [[not there) when Jamiroquai pulled a fan onstage, invited her to name her favorite Jamirosong, she said one they didn't know.

    The confusion / obvious deception that followed, less artistically performed. Always a studio band, true artists in the fine credits, Stevie Wonder he in't.

    Way too young for Stevie Wonder but not for Sonic Youth at Isis.

    Name:  20210209_094739.jpg
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    I save all my concert stubs. I remember two things from this show. ELO came on stage in what was supposed to be a spaceship, however it looked more like a giant clam. The sound mix was terrible, even by Silverdome standards. Lol, it was all down hill from there. Second, this show was saved by a warm-up band featuring a couple of Sisters named Ann & Nancy. Heart stole the show, and doing a couple Zep covers didn't hurt their cause. They still get asked about this show over 40 years later.

    **Sorry about the upside down pic....rotate your computer ! lol**
    Last edited by Bong-Man; February-09-21 at 10:06 AM.

  20. #20


    And since we already derailed this thread, and since you sent me digging, I might as well throw it right off the tracks with one more...

    Name:  20210209_102703.jpg
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    Remember, it wasn't named the Silverdome until a year after it opened. The Lions playing in a stadium with the acronym 'PMS' [[Pontiac Metropolitan Stadium) was a bit too much for fans to endure. If I remember correctly, they actually had a local contest to re-name the stadium, and a high school student won the contest by suggesting, "The Silverdome".

    Aerosmith, Foghat, Ted Nugent, & The Outlaws for Ten bucks. How could a 16 year old kid go wrong ?
    Last edited by Bong-Man; February-09-21 at 10:41 AM.

  21. #21


    When my friend the late Michigan Building [[& former Michigan Theatre) owner Tony Pieroni let me roam the closed off areas of the former theatre space, I came across the former theatre managers office, which was ankle deep in unused tickets that were strewn all over the floor there [[they kept them for tax purposes, to prove that concerts weren't sellouts). I mentioned to Mr. Pieroni that there was a lot of money worth of collectibles lying all over the room, to which he replied "take all you want".

    There were thousands of tickets, all from the 1974-75 Michigan Palace concert venue era... and over several visits, I cleaned out the room...
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Gistok; February-09-21 at 11:10 AM.

  22. #22


    ^ Hah! If times get really tight you can always hit eBay with these! Nice........

  23. #23


    It is amazing how much of history is laying about yet to be discovered.

    I had a customer in Orlando that has a marine business,back in the day they were the only factory authorized turbo charger installers for race and speed boats.

    People from all across the country had to ship the boats to them for installation.

    They hired me to paint the interior of the shop and some carpentry work,stuck up in the loft was boxes of photos of people in the movies and marine racing industry.

    They built all of the boats used in Elvis Presley movies,the ones used in the cypress gardens ski teams,where the girls all used to do ski acrobatics,and pretty much every celebrity that used a speed boat in films.

    With each boat they got a photo with them and the celebrity standing next to them,I took them all down and built them a showcase to display them,otherwise they probably would still be up there collecting dust.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    And since we already derailed this thread, and since you sent me digging, I might as well throw it right off the tracks with one more...

    Name:  20210209_102703.jpg
Views: 401
Size:  52.3 KB

    Remember, it wasn't named the Silverdome until a year after it opened. The Lions playing in a stadium with the acronym 'PMS' [[Pontiac Metropolitan Stadium) was a bit too much for fans to endure. If I remember correctly, they actually had a local contest to re-name the stadium, and a high school student won the contest by suggesting, "The Silverdome".

    Aerosmith, Foghat, Ted Nugent, & The Outlaws for Ten bucks. How could a 16 year old kid go wrong ?
    When was the last time you went to a concert?

    Mine was 86-87 ? Iowa Jam at their State fair grounds,three day event where everybody camped out for the three days.

    Headliners were AC/DC ,Bon Jovie and Whitesnake,there may have been more but I do not remember much more outside of that,or if that is a good or bad thing.

    Super Bowl is over with,nothing left but the trash and destruction left behind,not sure why some feel that ripping up trees,light poles,street signs etc is okay as an act of celebration.
    Last edited by Richard; February-09-21 at 11:44 AM.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Super Bowl is over with,nothing left but the trash and destruction left behind,not sure why some feel that ripping up trees,light poles,street signs etc is okay as an act of celebration.

    Maybe it was some sort of "protest"?

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