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Thread: "The media"

  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "You're talking in circles."

    You're thinking in circles
    In the immortal words of Beavis and Butthead: "I don't like stuff that sucks."

  2. #52


    Th internet can be controlled. Censoring is already happening. Search engines banning domains etc, from searches. Don't think for a minute, the powers that be are going to let this thing run wild here in the US forever. In my opinion the only reason they have not went after it more vehemently, is because there is so much information, good, bad, and otherwise, they realize, nobody takes it too seriously. Which pretty much renders it useless for any sort of credible mass information source by the majority of contributors.
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; February-18-10 at 01:19 PM.

  3. #53


    "Television is not the truth; television is a goddamn amusement park!"


  4. #54


    stash that is so right... I just tried to down load a clip from utube titled "mother's courage" and it was removed...wonder shy?

    found it ..took a little Saw this initially on MSNBC....

    Last edited by gibran; February-18-10 at 04:43 PM.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Th internet can be controlled. Censoring is already happening. Search engines banning domains etc, from searches. Don't think for a minute, the powers that be are going to let this thing run wild here in the US forever.
    Other than China vs. Google [[or China vs. anything) and the obvious stuff like kiddie porn, what has been censored that you know of?
    If you're thinking of McCain and his "Internet Freedom Act," that's a big sneaky political trick that would actually restrict freedom by lifting FCC neutrality rules, but I'm guessing that's not what you're referring to.
    In my opinion the only reason they have not went after it more vehemently, is because there is so much information, good, bad, and otherwise, they realize, nobody takes it too seriously.
    It can make or break an election. No candidate could possibly run a campaign without leaning heavily on the web. I'd say politicians take it very seriously. In my opinion, they realize by now that it can't be controlled, only harnessed.
    Which pretty much renders it useless for any sort of credible mass information source by the majority of contributors.
    Wow, you're a fan of sweeping generalizations, aren't you? What would you say to the protesters in Iran who used Twitter to let the world know what was going on?

  6. #56


    Quote: "What would you say to the protesters in Iran who used Twitter to let the world know what was going on?"

    You only know about it because our media wants you to know about it. They control what you know about the world. It's important to vilify Iran as they are trying to whip up support for another Iraq style invasion/occupation. When Obama was asked about bombing Iran and he replied "Nothing is off the table regarding Iran". I knew right then he would be our next President. Let me get this straight, he is for pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan as was his mantra/chant all through his campaign, but he's potentially for military intervention against Iran, that incidentally, has never done one thing to us to provoke an attack? Doesn't add up. We should be asking what is influencing our politicians to seem so contradictory on certain issues. Defense contractors would have that motive.

    Make no mistake, the media is all powerful.

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "What would you say to the protesters in Iran who used Twitter to let the world know what was going on?"
    You only know about it because our media wants you to know about it.
    No, ordinary people using Twitter to issue individual messages, by the thousands, let us know about it. Iran restricted the media and tried to censor and control what information got out, and the people in the streets outsmarted them. The authorities failed in their attempt at message control. That is the opposite of the Orwellian scenario you've convinced yourself we're headed for, in Iran no less.
    They control what you know about the world.
    No, they don't. As long as I have an internet connection, I have zillions of sources of information available to me. So do you. You still haven't answered where you get your unbiased, trustworthy information.

    It's important to vilify Iran as they are trying to whip up support for another Iraq style invasion/occupation. When Obama was asked about bombing Iran and he replied "Nothing is off the table regarding Iran". I knew right then he would be our next President. Let me get this straight, he is for pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan as was his mantra/chant all through his campaign, but he's potentially for military intervention against Iran, that incidentally, has never done one thing to us to provoke an attack? Doesn't add up. We should be asking what is influencing our politicians to seem so contradictory on certain issues. Defense contractors would have that motive. Make no mistake, the media is all powerful.
    This is your theory on Obama, foreign policy and military strategy and has nothing to do with "the media." Save it for another thread.

  8. #58


    Quote: "No, ordinary people using Twitter to issue individual messages, by the thousands, let us know about it."

    So you know some people in Iran? You only care because the media has convinced you, that you should. It came through the media here. No kids on Twitter from Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon or Palestine? What are they saying to you?

    The majority of red faced flapping jaws on the internet postulating about the middle east have never been there, don't know any one from there, and would impress me if they could even find it on a map without searching for it. It's a big issue because our media has made it one.

    Quote: "This is your theory on Obama, foreign policy and military strategy and has nothing to do with "the media." Save it for another thread."

    I think they are more closely related than you realize, I wasn't trying to hijack your thread.
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; February-18-10 at 11:50 PM.

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "No, ordinary people using Twitter to issue individual messages, by the thousands, let us know about it."
    So you know some people in Iran? You only care because the media has convinced you, that you should.
    And you've convinced yourself that it's all a lie. Wow! You must know the truth!

    It came through the media here. No kids on Twitter from Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon or Palestine? What are they saying to you?
    The majority of red faced flapping jaws on the internet postulating about the middle east have never been there, don't know any one from there, and would impress me if they could even find it on a map without searching for it.
    And YOU'RE the expert. You're the only one who knows about the big military-media-Obama conspiracy to invade Iran. Funny thing, I don't recall you saying you've been to the Middle East either, or have any expertise in Middle East policy, other than spouting about these vague conspiracies that "the media" is trying to cover up. Again, how do you know any of this? Where do you get YOUR pure, unbiased information?
    It's a big issue because our media has made it one.
    Yeah, "the media" is all-powerful and controls our lives, blah blah blah. Nobody can possibly refute any of the lies from the big bad TV that you threw out the window a year ago.

    Quote: "This is your theory on Obama, foreign policy and military strategy and has nothing to do with "the media." Save it for another thread."
    I think they are more closely related than you realize, I wasn't trying to hijack your thread.
    Ooo, now more mystery from the One and Only Keeper of the Truth.
    First of all, if there is a huge military-defense contractor-Obama plot to invade Iraq on the downlow, why would you blame "the media" for that? If that's going on, you better believe it's done behind closed doors, with classified documents and not in front of "the media." And why the hell should we believe this revelation coming from someone who is proud of refusing to turn on the TV?

    Dude. OK, once again, where are you getting all this information that is the truth, and the only truth, and everyone else is lying to you? It's not the big evil biased TV, we know. It's not these message boards. It's not Twitter. Please share. Otherwise the rest of us are about to conclude that you're making it up, and you're about to get tossed into the crazy paranoid wingnut bag and dismissed.

  10. #60


    Quote: "And you've convinced yourself that it's all a lie."

    No, I've made the determination our media picks what we [[well, some of us) will care about. It's no lie as far as I'm concerned.

    Quote: And YOU'RE the expert. You're the only one who knows about the big military-media-Obama conspiracy to invade Iran. Funny thing, I don't recall you saying you've been to the Middle East either, or have any expertise in Middle East policy,"

    I have not and I do not. Furthermore, I have no desire to. It concerns me not nor anyone else in this country really. If these folks arguing around the watercooler would turn off their TV and take two steps back and a deep breath they'd realize that too. As far as me being the only one knowing that the US is ruffling it's feathers for a fracas with Iran, I can only ask, what rock have you been hiding under? This is very public common knowledge.

    Quote: "you're about to get tossed into the crazy paranoid wingnut bag and dismissed."

    LOL, Won't be the first time.

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "And you've convinced yourself that it's all a lie."
    No, I've made the determination our media picks what we [[well, some of us) will care about. It's no lie as far as I'm concerned.
    Well, you did say earlier that TV is all biased bullshit, but whatever. You have an internet connection, maybe even a library card. Why would you allow "the media" or anyone to decide for you what to care about?
    Quote: And YOU'RE the expert. You're the only one who knows about the big military-media-Obama conspiracy to invade Iran. Funny thing, I don't recall you saying you've been to the Middle East either, or have any expertise in Middle East policy,"
    I have not and I do not. Furthermore, I have no desire to. It concerns me not nor anyone else in this country really.
    I sure seemed to concern you a few posts back, when you were ranting on Obama's remarks about Iran. I'd say that's a big concern to everyone in this country. Your tone was that of someone who knows everything and is looking down their nose at the ignorant fools who don't.
    If these folks arguing around the watercooler would turn off their TV and take two steps back and a deep breath they'd realize that too.
    Believe it or not, the people talking around the watercooler about what they saw on TV are not lemmings, blindly believing everything. They're talking about it, asking questions, discussing the issues as well as the way they were presented. It's part of the public discourse, just like these message boards.
    As far as me being the only one knowing that the US is ruffling it's feathers for a fracas with Iran, I can only ask, what rock have you been hiding under? This is very public common knowledge.
    Well, duh. Bush was hankerin' for a war with Iran, everyone knows that. There are a lot of defense contractors and other interests who'd love to see us get into a third war. My point was that it was laughable for you to blame "the media" for that. Military policy is decided behind closed doors. Much as they'd like to, the media doesn't get to watch that, much less influence it.
    Quote: "you're about to get tossed into the crazy paranoid wingnut bag and dismissed."
    LOL, Won't be the first time.
    Oh well. It's been nice chatting with you.

  12. #62


    Quote: "Oh well. It's been nice chatting with you."

    Same here, now go flip on your TV, I'm sure there's a "breaking news story" about some subject they've decided you need to care about. I'll be reading a good book or doing something constructive, enriching my life and be content that I've done so.

  13. #63


    No you won't, you'll be on this board.
    Gotta go get some work done. No TV here.

  14. #64


    clear channel has 8 total stations in Detroit

  15. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    clear channel has 8 total stations in Detroit
    the sheep are being programmed

  16. #66


    I think we can safely say media and governments feed off each other parasitically. Follow the money, follow the politics, and follow the hidden agendas....

    an example of this is leading up to the Iraq invasion most mainstream news outlets with their [[think tank folks) were forcing our hands into believing this was the 'right" thing to do [[some actually saw through this)...they were manipulated by the Shepard syndrome....this was a war with multiple agendas..the biggest is the neocon one...why else was there a media blitz so carefully in place soon after its fateful initiation...the call for war ...was also a false flag operation to start the "new world agenda" that the neocons wrote in 1996 [[or 1995...Perle et al)...why do you think Frum and Krauthammer and other neoconies are still doing today; started pushing for Syria and Iran to be included [[find the paper that Perle wrote for BIBI and you will see) in creating chaos in the region ...and still do today because they can exploit our weak points now with our attention on survival of our own economy...

  17. #67


    I don't think it matters much if the media is biased if the viewers are biased. All parts of a system must be properly calibrated in order for the system as a whole to work properly. If the media delivered news that was perfectly balanced, people would still disregard what does not speak to their sensibilities and cling to what does. It would still end up as a biased transaction.

    In other words, we live in a supply and demand society. Obviously, people are not demanding media that is unbiased. They're demanding media that confirms what they already believe.

  18. #68


    Crumbled, Most people like myself, just want the truth, good, bad or indifferent. Both sides of any story portrayed in the same manner. When they deviate from either, then it is no longer simply a source of information, but a tool instead.

  19. #69


    I just wish the "media" would report real news. Why would anyone think I could care about Tiger Wood's affairs. Do not care about these so called celebrities.

    There is so much real world news out there that is not reported. Just do not care about silly things.

  20. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by gibran View Post
    I think we can safely say media and governments feed off each other parasitically. Follow the money, follow the politics, and follow the hidden agendas....

    an example of this is leading up to the Iraq invasion most mainstream news outlets with their [[think tank folks) were forcing our hands into believing this was the 'right" thing to do [[some actually saw through this)...they were manipulated by the Shepard syndrome....this was a war with multiple agendas..the biggest is the neocon one...why else was there a media blitz so carefully in place soon after its fateful initiation...the call for war ...was also a false flag operation to start the "new world agenda" that the neocons wrote in 1996 [[or 1995...Perle et al)...why do you think Frum and Krauthammer and other neoconies are still doing today; started pushing for Syria and Iran to be included [[find the paper that Perle wrote for BIBI and you will see) in creating chaos in the region ...and still do today because they can exploit our weak points now with our attention on survival of our own economy...
    Not quite as eeeeeevullllll as you want to portray.

    The media enjoyed a gangbuster ride in Gulf War I and thought that Gulf War II would be more of the same. Add to that post-9/11 and nobody in the media wanted to be a naysayer.

    When things bogged down in Iraq, the media slowly turned against GWB and his admin.

    For those old enough to remember Vietnam, it was the same thing. Walter Cronkhite riding in a bomber on a mission and gushing all "Gee Whiz" about the mission. Later on he turned ion LBJ over Vietnam. The media were the biggest cheerleaders for going in and the first to "Monday morning Quarterback" when things weren't working out.

  21. #71


    agreed to a degree....with one addition ..real causes to conflcts.

  22. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Crumbled, Most people like myself, just want the truth, good, bad or indifferent. Both sides of any story portrayed in the same manner. When they deviate from either, then it is no longer simply a source of information, but a tool instead.
    This is a country of supply and demand, right? If there's a demand for fair and balanced news, wouldn't it be supplied? I don't think most people really want fair and balanced truth, they want confirmation. That's why the media sells them that.

    You, on the other hand, want fair and balanced news, that's why you turned off your TV. You know what, if millions upon millions of people did that in protest, I guarantee you the news programming would change drastically overnight. Unfortunately, most of America remains tuned in soaking up the propaganda.

  23. #73


    Agreed X 3

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    clear channel has 8 total stations in Detroit
    I count 7.

    Five are FM music stations. One is AM sports talk and one is AM liberal political talk.

    What's your point? They play music, talk sports and give liberals a voice in SE MI. What's so bad about that?

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