I can't wade through your stream of consciousness. A few points from skimming your diary:

Seasonal blends are not created by an additive to the tanker truck. Those additives are used to change generic gasoline into Shell gasoline or Marathon gasoline or Exxon gasoline.

Seasonal differences in gasoline are met by either limiting RVP or using reformulated gasoline, depending on the nature of pollution in the affected region. Detroit has to use 7.8 RVP in summer or be subject to an RFG requirement like we used to be in years past.

There is no collusion or conspiracy to increase prices by producers, traders, refiners, et al, to speed the introduction of a product they don't produce or sell. Don't be ridiculous. E15 is not a lifeline to a refinery - it's 15% less gasoline they can sell.

129 out of 135 refineries did not shut down during covid. Six of the 135 refineries closed, leaving 129 operating. Refinery inputs decreased no more than 21% at the low point in spring of 2020. Three of the refineries closed had a combined capacity of less than half of Marathon Detroit. One of them explode and burned beyond a salvageable condition. Three of the closing refineries are being turned into renewable diesel refineries.