Yikes, you're right. Let's analyze what he says:

We have a stop near Grand Circus. Do we shift it 100 yards one way or another to better align where we’ve had more residential development? Could something be a little bit closer to Book Tower? Do we lengthen or broaden or add a stop between Riverfront Towers and the convention center?
- Shifting the GCP stop 100 yards east or west would take it FURTHER from Woodward Avenue, where there is a close transfer to the QLine and city bus network.
- The Times Square DPM stop is immediately behind the Book Tower, probably less than 150 feet from the door of Book Tower. It literally could not be any closer.
- Adding a stop between Riverfront Towers and Huntington Place would place a stop atop the Lodge Freeway/Jefferson interchange ramps. There is nothing between these already-close stops.

I have long been an advocate of expanding the DPM. It was built to be part of a larger system, is completely automated, and uses rolling stock and rail tech that has been successful in other cities like Vancouver. The biggest shortcoming of the DPM is that it is ONLY a central loop. Reconfiguring or expanding the central loop would perpetuate the same issues the DPM has now--namely that it doesn't go anywhere you couldn't get on foot in the same amount of time.

An expansion of the DPM should ONLY look at expanding radially along our main avenues to areas outside the downtown core. That is the only way to really make the DPM a useful part of our transit system.