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  1. #51


    Yeah, "baby momma" and other such monikers are not helpful....

    I looked into it, and slain Delric Miller's grandmother has given a few statements today:

    '"Somebody knows something and ... [you] better speak up. [You] better say something," Wilkins said. Meanwhile, the search is on for whoever is responsible for the death of baby Delric. Police have received several tips, including one that claimed the shooting may have stemmed from a bar fight.'

    See rest of article:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ravine View Post
    "The baby momma?" What the fuck is this, Friday night at the Lone Star Bar? Could we stick with "the kid's mother?"

    But, I was wondering if anyone else heard those statements.
    I figure that we are a few days away from a similar incident occurring.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-21-12 at 11:05 PM.

  2. #52


    Detroit Police Chief Godbee is right. This drive by shooting to a innocent baby in Detroit's West Side ghettohood in the Cody near Warrendale area is definitly gang related. It's the gang cliques from Joy Rd. Clown Squad and Chi-towns. They have been in a gang war since the first fall shootout in Cody High School in 2002. Its been going on ever since the Southfield FWY. and W.Warren Ave. bus stop shootout.

  3. #53
    Buy American Guest


    Re: baby momma....I only repeated what I heard someone say on the news about this incident.

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    Re: baby momma....I only repeated what I heard someone say on the news about this incident.

    Bullshit because you have made that comment as well as similar comments on other threads concerning 'those people' before...

  5. #55
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroit Stylin View Post
    Bullshit because you have made that comment as well as similar comments on other threads concerning 'those people' before...
    Really? I made comments about "those people" before?

  6. #56


    I never hear 'my girlfriend', my boyfriend', 'my ex', 'my kid's mom' or any of that any more. It's always 'babymomma' or 'babydaddy', one word, not two. It shows up in all sorts of real-life shows dealing with inner-city residents. I'm even hearing it in other contexts too dealing with people from other areas.

    I hate it, but it is what it is.

  7. #57


    Everyone shit-talks about the various suburban cities surroundingDetroit, but you never see this shit happening in SCS or Sterling Heights. Ohyea, but crime was downplayed by our armchair urban planners on the other “sprawl”threads. Some people want to unite and say this is a SE Michigan problem, butis it?

  8. #58


    Re: baby momma, those who are so against it must be around 90 years old or something ? Its very common slang among all races of babies having babies.
    It was also a 2008 hollywood movie featuring a coupe white broads.

  9. #59
    Buy American Guest


    I'm not anywhere near 90, nor would I have to be to know the expression is slang and nothing more. To me, for someone to use baby momma or baby daddy to describe a person who is either the mother or father to a child is illiterate. It's an insult to the child and unfortunately the child will grow up massacring the English language just like the parents do.

  10. #60


    Now that grandmother of the baby who was killed is saying that the entire episode stemmed from an argument over a chair at a bar. Well then, why wouldn't she say that from the beginning? What was all this crap over a gang war? Sounds like somebody is full of shit to me.

  11. #61


    ^^ I said the same thing in the beginning of all this he said she said BS. Everytime a shooting occurs lately, the cops and the news start throwing the term "gang-related" around quite loosely. Even Charlie Langton pointed to some kids he interviewed 2 nights ago as being "gang-members," without any proof to back that statement up. He said he thinks they might be gang members, "I dunno". Just because they're black and there are four of them standing there does not mean they make up a gang.

    Maybe someone in the murdered baby's house was in a gang. But the way things have been going for Detroit's young people these last few decades, is anyone really shocked? I've been watching kids, some I knew personally, kill each other for years. Kill babies and old folks and innocent people for their coats and shoes. And none of those kids were in a gang. Not one. Those are the ones we should really be scared of. The ones who have absolutely no good explanation for why they do what they do. At least a gang we can wrap our brains around.

    I haven't heard one person on this thread offer to volunteer one minute of their time to mentor any of these at-risk kids. And I'm willing to bet more of that kind of involvement would do a whole hell of a lot more good than judging where people let their kids sleep or searching innocent peoples homes or sending in the national guard or any of the other dumb shit I've seen posted on this site.

  12. #62
    Buy American Guest


    ^^^When I see some parental mentoring, maybe I'd consider offering my time to reinforce parental guidance....but I don't see much involvement anywhere. I don't see it when it comes time to get their kids to school [[it's someone elses fault that they aren't there, blame the teachers), I don't see it when it's midnight and 12, 13 and 14 year olds are running the streets, I just don't see it. Changes need to be made at home with a father that is there and not out in the street looking for retaliation and a mother that is there, too.
    There is outrage when a young child is slaughtered in his own home, on his couch....there should be outrage whenever anyone is slaughtered in Detroit for stupid reasons like cell phone disputes or where you sat at a shower...there is never a good reason to settle something with a gun. This is down right stupid, illiterate, mindless behavior.

  13. #63


    This is a horrible incident that occurred but it will never stop if we don't do something more for the people living in these communities b

    Honestly to fix this problem all together we need to fix the school system. In order for people to be productive members of society they need to be educated. I'm not saying they need to be geniuses but they need to learn the difference between right and wrong and how to express anger in a controlled manner.

    The government can't expect every school to have the same type of teaching methods especially in these poorer communities. I would bet that if Detroit spent more money on the schools in poorer neighborhoods, by hiring more teahers and setting goals for these kids from day one, we would see less of these horrible cases in the next 10-20 years.

    If you haven't seen the documentary called "Waiting for Superman" I highly recommend it! The movie goes on to talk about how violence and crime is directly related to how well or under performing the neighborhood school system is.

    And like detroitgwenivere said we need to take responsibility in some way even if it's just donating diapers or even a crib. It's easy to say its not your problem but if you have gone to the effort of writing on this forum wall then that means it has effected you in some sort. Haven't you heard the statement "it takes a community to raise a child."

  14. #64
    Buy American Guest


    ^^^What more needs to be done for the people in the community when they don't want to do anything to help themselves? I get real tired of everyone saying that WE need to mentor, WE need to do more, WE need to volunteer. I don't see a lot of parents helping their kids [[not to say that there aren't any parents helping because there is). What I'm seeing is lazy people who don't give two $hits where their kids are because half of them are fighting amongst themselves over cell phones and proper seating at a baby shower. If those parents would work as hard as they do trying to beat the system, their kids would be scholars.

    I agree that the kids need to be educated, but you can't force education upon someone who just doesn't want it. You can't force intelligence on someone who would rather go out and make money the "easy way" by selling drugs, gang banging, or car jacking. It's not the fault of the education system that kids are doing what they are doing and parents are not helping them out. This all should start AT HOME. From the time they are infants, responsibility and thoughtfulness and civility should be taught AT HOME. The babies need to stop having babies, boys who go out and plant their seed in every available female need to be made responsible for children that are born because of their irresponsibility.

    The school system isn't to blame, the teachers are not to blame for what's going on in Detroit. Teachers certainly don't become teachers because of the money....they become teachers because they are dedicated souls who want children to learn. There are many good schools in Detroit but they are only as good as the students who attend. I keep thinking of the old adage, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".

    As I've said so many times on this forum...I was born, raised, AND educated in Detroit. I went to school because my parents made me go, there was no choice. I received a good education and went on to a career with DFD for 30 years....no one helped my family and we were not well off by any stretch of the imagination. No one donated $hit to my family and yet we survived, so don't give me the "we have to help out" in order for these kids today to get a good education.

    In your opinion it "takes a community to raise a child", but it takes parents to love, care for, mentor, discipline, and teach their children right from wrong first...

  15. #65


    I can't properly educate someone when they have 40+ absences from school and the parents make excuses for the blatant truancy. Kids should have certain skills PRIOR to attending school. They don't have the basics [[such as manners, respect for adults, following directions, etc). Can't do much with a kid who tells you to fuck off every 2 minutes [[and yes, they do exist more than I care to see). Stop blaming the schools and start placing blame where it should be placed, in the home. Schools can only do so much and when the home isn't reinforcing what we, in the schools, are trying to do...well, you tell me how well that works.

    Please tell me how the SCHOOLS are supposed to tell kids the difference between right and wrong and how to control their anger? The kids don't see positive modeling at HOME. Parents come to the schools causing all sorts of havoc, even to the point of being arrested for their threats and behavior. Kids see this and think this is how normal people act. How the hell can a kid come to school to learn if their parents don't support what the schools are doing?? That is where the problem is...not with the schools.

    My grandfather had a 3rd grade education [[had to quit school to help support the family). My father barely made it out of high school. Not one person in my family acts like barbarians because of the lack of an education [[and I know plenty of folks who don't resort to violence because they aren't educated).

    Honestly to fix this problem all together we need to fix the school system. In order for people to be productive members of society they need to be educated. I'm not saying they need to be geniuses but they need to learn the difference between right and wrong and how to express anger in a controlled manner.
    Last edited by DetroitTeacher; February-26-12 at 10:49 AM.

  16. #66
    Buy American Guest


    100% agreed DetroitTeacher [[read my post above). The children need to learn the skills before they attend school and unfortunately the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are not teaching them anything except how to handle anger by using the gun and just eliminating your problem. Sad state of affairs in Detroit and any City that this happens in. I give you credit for your dedication and to all the teachers who are working in the DPS who are doing a thankless, dangerous job.

  17. #67


    Buy American and DT I also agree with your assessment, it all begins in the home.

    The big question is how do you make that happen ?

    One thing and I have said this many times is that there should be some parental accountablity laws on the books. Parents need to be held accountable for their minor childs actions no if's and's or but's.

    Many more parental rights will need to be taken away and unfortunately as a result more children will be institutionalized. However if we could have more boarding schools that could help out.

    And of course more education and training to teach people how to be parents, this could be voluntary or court ordered.

    There should be daily enforcement of the curfew laws on the books for minors.
    Dittto with the truancy laws as well.

    In this society people have the right to screw up their lives, but once it affects the children and the greater community at large then punishments need to be put into place to make these people accountable for there lack of action.

  18. #68


    The term "baby momma" is intended to suggest that the two individuals are no longer together, and loathe each other so much that they don't even want to bring up their past relationship with each other.

    I don't see how "my baby's mother" is incorrect grammar however.

    That said, yes, I am also sick of everyone assuming just because someone LOOKS stupid and criminal and HAS DONE something stupid and criminal that there in a gang. Fact of the matter is there are A LOT of stupid people out there who will do illegal things [[whether they're black, white, mexican, indian or chinese), because their brains aren't developed enough [[or they've fried them drinking so much alcohol and using drugs) to process what's right from what's wrong, and furthermore their brains aren't developed enough to think of more logical and civil solutions to the problems they face in life. There could be a number of reasons why, poor heredity traits, the environment they were raised in [[where being stupid is encouraged), their lack of education, etc. It doesn't mean they're affiliated with an occult or gang and INTEND to do stupid things and commit crimes.

    Furthermore, how can you tell someone's in a gang by just looking at them for the first time in your life? Just because a person may not be able to articulate their thoughts well, they may not have the right skin/hair color or may not dress as if they've come through a time machine from the 1950s doesn't mean they're not innocent people trying to do the right thing just like you.
    Last edited by 313WX; February-26-12 at 11:31 AM.

  19. #69


    It's funny you should mention curfew laws! When my son was a teen, he and a group of friends were having a campout in the backyard. In the middle of the night, they decided to hop on their bikes and ride to the nearby 7-11 for Slurpees. Each one of the kids was issued a curfew ticket and I was held accountable in the courts for allowing them to break curfew [[had to take parenting classes). I wasn't happy, but did it. My son was 15 at the time. Curfew was 10pm, I think [[subrban curfew). I had no idea there was a curfew! The kids weren't causing trouble and were riding back to the house, Slurpees in hand, when caught. They were clueless, as was I. These were all honor roll kids. Needless to say, the boys didn't break curfew again! I also kept a closer eye on what my son was doing [[he wasn't a troublemaker).

    I really think that more parents need to be held accountable for their kids' actions. If they were, then perhaps more kids would stay out of trouble. My son did NOT want the wrath of me to come down on him if he broke curfew again! Ignorance is also no excuse. I wasn't aware of a curfew but still had to take my lumps and I accepted the responsibility, like an adult. I needed to show my son that if a law was broken [[no matter how stupid the law was, in this case) then one needed to be held accountable.

    I don't see much of that with the parents I deal with on a daily basis. The kids are ruling the roost, telling their parents to go fuck themselves [[in front of me...had that been my kid, he'd be shorter by a head because I would have knocked it off of him), doing what they please. Parents come in and make excuses for their kids [[he wasn't in school for 4 days because he was waiting for Art Van to deliver my new couch), demand that I accept late work [[does anyone's boss accept late work??) because their kid "forgot" his work in gramma's car for 2 weeks, etc. I could write a book with the excuses I've heard. At least the kids will tell me the truth of the matter [[didn't come to school because I didn't feel like it, it was raining, too cold, whatever)...it's the parents who lie, thus teaching the kids to make excuses when they get older.

  20. #70


    Has anyone else given thought to the fact that back in the 80's and 90's there was a crack epidemic that plagued Detroit any many other cities across the country. The media reported constantly about all the "Crack Babbie's" being born to users of crack. Where did all these brain damaged sole less victims go? Are they the violent ruthless perpetrators that are committing these horrid crimes we are seeing today? There are so many crimes that are unthinkable today that there has to be another reason then just poverty and poor upbringing.

  21. #71


    BA- Your response that "it begins at home" is a bit mis-leading due to the tremendous disfunctionallity that the "home" has in most of these cases. The kids are what they are BECAUSE of the home envirnoment. That is why mentoring and volunteering to help these kids is SO very important. It gives them the opportunity to see things from a more enlightened perspective than they are getting at home.

    While I can appreciate your opinion on volunteering your time to what you feel is a waste of time, you can, and do, make a difference in these child's lives just by being there. I am sure DT agrees with this as she is doing so every day, day in and day out.

    Imagine that if everyone felt it was a waste of time and quit volunteering as mentors what the state of this place would be like.


  22. #72
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by PlymouthRes View Post
    BA- Your response that "it begins at home" is a bit mis-leading due to the tremendous disfunctionallity that the "home" has in most of these cases. The kids are what they are BECAUSE of the home envirnoment. That is why mentoring and volunteering to help these kids is SO very important. It gives them the opportunity to see things from a more enlightened perspective than they are getting at home.

    While I can appreciate your opinion on volunteering your time to what you feel is a waste of time, you can, and do, make a difference in these child's lives just by being there. I am sure DT agrees with this as she is doing so every day, day in and day out.

    Imagine that if everyone felt it was a waste of time and quit volunteering as mentors what the state of this place would be like.

    Misleading? So where do you start if not in the home?
    Wherever these kids lay their heads at night is home. If mom, grandma, auntie or sissy is there to raise these kids then so be it. It has to start somewhere. I can't imagine me, white as white, going into one of these homes and try to tell parents or relatives how to raise their kids....can you imagine??? There would be such an uproar about "race" and I sure wouldn't want to be in the middle of it. Exactly where do you do the mentoring and volunteering? At some church, at my house, at the school? You can't get the kids to participate in school, you can't get the parents to participate in the kids, so just how do you go about helping people who do not want to be helped except to find out where to get the gun, the drug or the $200 shoes?

    Clowncil has echoed this so many times it makes me sick...."leave us alone, we can handle our own problems, we don't need any outside help, Detroit is ours, blah, blah, blah" Seems to me as though the black population in Detroit feels like they OWN Detroit, that no one else can help, especially the State or suburbanites. Well, they have their hands full now and I wonder what their solution will be.

  23. #73



    I thought I was pretty clear in my first sentence. Mis-leading in the fact that they have no home in some cases, and are pretty transient in their movements, never really have the stability that we all know is key to a child's development. While I realize your frustration with the adults at the table, abandoning the children in need is not the answer, either.

    I am sure that you having worked for DFD was one of the reasons you make the statements you do, but come on, man. I worked for EMS in the late 70's and early 80's and saw some things, too, but I have always felt that being there and trying to help was better than bitching about it.

    I can assure you that I personally know that I have been very well received in the black community that I have served in. I have volunteered extensively at the Georgia Street Community Garden, Fort Wayne, Detroit Historical Society, Focus Hope and currently with Preservation Detroit, and I know that I have made a small, but useful impact in those places just by doing exacttly what you are talking about. Sometimes just being there hepls to beak down those stereotypes that you always throw out there about the black community.

    If you were there, you would see it as well.

    I am often asked why I do this and my answer always is that it needs to be done, 'cause it ain't happining in the "homes" that exist in most of their worlds.

    You can only bitch and moan so long before you get off your ass and do something. Perhaps that time is now for you?
    Last edited by PlymouthRes; February-26-12 at 01:43 PM.

  24. #74


    Mentoring is the key. If its Black or White, Hispanic, Asian, whatever. Most of these kids think no one gives a damn about them so they connect to whats easy, Crime, Disrespect, Laziness. If more people just sat and had a conversation you would here most of the kids are crying for some dicipline and love. They want to be heard and most of them want to be positive. What are you giving back. It takes a village!!!!! Forget about the city government! They are suppose to represent us but they dont. WE need to help our children cause some of the parents our still children.

  25. #75


    ^Spoken by a man who lives the truth.........

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