Looks like FAUX 2 got their butt spanked by the Judge already:

DETROIT — Twice during the opening day of testimony in the case against Detroit Police Officer Joseph Weekley, who is charged with the manslaughter of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones in May of 2010 during a raid, Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway received a note from her clerk.

It said the court received a call that one of the news stations was broadcasting a live feed that showed members of the jury.

At the end of Monday's testimony, Hathaway said Fox 2 News cameras were no longer allowed in her courtroom for the duration of the trial.

"I took great care, both before and during the jury selection process and today to ask the electronic media to please not film and publish the jurors," she said. "I got a message earlier, we already made a record of it, that jurors faces were being shown... at least on the Internet.

"You said you checked your cameras and it was not taking place."

Hathaway said the media order specifically states jurors' faces may not be shown.

Then "I got a call from the prosecutor's office indicating they were seeing the jurors' faces... and I asked my staff to look on the Internet... to see if they saw anything, and lo and behold they did; they saw one of the juror's half body and another juror's full face," Hathaway said.