I was just inspired to start this thread, as an accumulation of perception from those who visit Eastern Market...especially on Saturday mornings.

I was wandering through Shed 5 and responded to a come-on from one of the vendors...which I rarely entertain. She happened to be offering tastes of olive oil on tiny pieces of bread. That was enough to stop me in my tracks.

I've seen lots of things in the Market before, but never small-scale production olive oil...within five minutes, the lovely and perfectly honest Maria El-Haddad gave me the elevator pitch on her change of life, adhering to the purpose of some land she'd inherited that has produced oil from these same trees for over a thousand years.

I was sold on the life change story...

So...scamper on down to the Market before they close up, and lighten her stock of Ze Tune, spelled with accents on both the first e and the u [[seems I cannot find the special characters font, but you get the idea). Shed 5, in the SE quadrant in a small tabled booth.

NOW, to get on with this thread...I'd LOVE for us to collect stories of vendors we've encountered in the Market...

...like two of my pillars, the Honey and Maple Syrup guys, who I've finally found after their eminent domain ejection from Shed 2 before the construction started. Turns out Mr. Syrup is going in for some operation this week, so good thoughts and prayers his way.

Cheers all, on this fabulously sunny Saturday afternoon...