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  1. #226


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    As usual, Bust and Gistok shot the messenger. Perhaps in their echo chamber world there is no tonic of truth outside of corporatist [[CNN) and left wing [[VOX) news sites. I quoted something from Vox the other day without citing it as a left wing font and there were no complaints about that. I'm ok with using left wing and corporatist stuff [[The Time article was great) when they help make my point. Unlike some here I will deem to dirty myself to dig out information. Look below. I even posted something from the Biden White House. Why should I care about the "Media Bias Fact Check" censors' opinions of what sheeple should look at? Some people here make statements without even backing them up with any links.

    Neither the article nor I said that Biden had not previously said Hi to Trudeau or Macron. Thank you for that additional information. All the same, we find 3.4% Harris conducting policy with foreign leaders according to the White House. I suggested that was not enough to constitute a trend but should be watched to see if there is more of the same. I did mention that Biden had spoken with Xi and didn't mention that Biden, according to the article, had not spoken to Netanyahu. Take it or leave it, if you want to shoot any messenger, the majority of sentences in the link I posted, were from-
    What is interesting in all of that was the discussion of America first policy,or the requirement that the government purchases American made products.

    That upset not only Canada but half the country when Trump enforced it,even though it was already a law.

    But when Biden mentions it,he is the man.

    What is also interesting is Grandpa Smurf has extended many Trump policies that became controversial when Trump originally implemented them.

    I have a 1960 military jeep,it is a Dutch version,because they had a requirement that any government contract purchase had to incorporate local labor and parts made locally.

    So Kaiser sent them the parts,then they were assembled over there with local labor and other parts added using local production.

    Point is there is not a country in the world that does not have the same requirements,as they have had for decades.

    But yet because it was Trump enforcing laws already on the books it became a world ending event.

    My concern is,Canada makes billions selling drone technology to places like Turkey and other countries.

    We also sell military hardware but never at a technology level that we have,to always keep a technological advantage,unless they are supplying underwear or socks,we do not need other countries controlling our military.
    Last edited by Richard; February-17-21 at 09:55 AM.

  2. #227


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    What is interesting in all of that was the discussion of America first policy.
    America-first policy starts here in the USA, not in Putinbotsylvania, Goat Poontang, or wherever you're working. We'll do just fine without you're Putinista ideas.

  3. #228


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ I am thinking more like purple micro dot.

  4. #229


    Biden,Grandpa smurf has asked the justice department what his legal authority is to cancel student debt.

    So he runs a campaign on a promise to cancel student debt,many progressives have pumped the public up on canceling student debt and at the end of the day,they did not even know if it could be legally done.

    That is some convoluted logic right there.But no surprise.

    I guess the people in Georgia are getting pissed of about now,after Biden promised them $2000 if they voted Democratic,funny how inflation ate up $600 of that in two weeks.

    Another career do nothing politician in there that makes all of these campaign promises but forgets all about them once they get elected.

    On the bright and positive side,in smurfville fuel prices are shooting up as we go back to foreign dependence,thousands loosing their jobs,and the economy continues to crash,I guess they love it when a plan comes together.
    Last edited by Richard; February-18-21 at 11:43 AM.

  5. #230


    From Trump to this... incredible!

    With all the talk of replacing the national anthem, perhaps this will be suitable option [[Stevie could not have said it better in '74)

    You Haven't Done Nothin'

    We are amazed but not amused
    By all the things you say that you'll do

    Though much concerned but not involved
    With decisions that are made by you

    But we are sick and tired of hearing your song
    Tellin' how you are gonna change right from wrong

    'Cause if you really want to hear our views
    You haven't done nothin'

    It's not too cool to be ridiculed
    But you brought this upon yourself
    The world is tired of pacifier
    We want the truth and nothing else

    And we are sick and tired of hearing your song

    Tellin' how you are gonna change right from wrong
    'Cause if you really want to hear our views
    You haven't done nothin'

    We would not care to wake up to the nightmare
    That's becomin' real life, mm

    But when misled who knows a person's mind
    Can turn as cold as ice, um-hmm

    Why do you keep on making us hear your song
    Tellin' us how you are changin' right from wrong
    'Cause if you really want to HEAR our views

    You haven't done nothin'........

    Stevie Wonder from the album Songs In The Key of Life
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-18-21 at 02:01 PM.

  6. #231


    A special shoutout to ex military and law officers from your beloved president!


  7. #232


    ^ the democrat party used and supported the KKK in order to suit their agenda,no different then the Antifa of today is.

    So you really cannot expect them to oppose Antifa just as they did not oppose the KKK.

    Did you see the news article were they are saying the New York subways have returned to the bloodbath days of the 80s,Minneapolis gave the police department 6 million extra after their defund the police pandering brought in crime waves not seen sense the 70s.

    Grandpa smurfs other son that passed,won medals for his service,I wonder if he considers him a radical also.

    Dems are mad because most people that served in the military or police force have a low tolerance for peoples BS and they have dealt with so many fake people over the years,they are easy to spot.

    Some Dems do not like being recognized for what they are.

    I wish grandpa smurf would hurry up an open the damn border up,I need to start building and could use some of that $30 for a 16 hour a day cheap labor.
    Last edited by Richard; February-18-21 at 06:42 PM.

  8. #233


    ^^ You're wrong Richard... the Democrats aren't mad... they're still too gleeful that Republican ineptitude lost them the House, the Presidencey and the Senate... all within the last 2 years.

    Few signs of that were more pronounced than the loss of the US Senate by the complete stupidity of Trump and his followers in Georgia... where the Democrats won mainly because MAGA followers there listened to the orange one and didn't vote.

    Talk about Dumb and Dumber...

  9. #234


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ^^ You're wrong Richard... the Democrats aren't mad... they're still too gleeful that Republican ineptitude lost them the House, the Presidencey and the Senate... all within the last 2 years.

    Few signs of that were more pronounced than the loss of the US Senate by the complete stupidity of Trump and his followers in Georgia... where the Democrats won mainly because MAGA followers there listened to the orange one and didn't vote.

    Talk about Dumb and Dumber...
    Well as long as you are not retired or have a 401K or a pension,because those are the next targets of your grandpa smurf.

    See they do not want you to have none of that,because with that you can remain independent of government support and they figure the same money you put into a 401k or pension or retirement account can be given to them,so they can figure out what to spend it on,then when you retire,they will provide for you a nice little government apartment and a monthly food stipend.

    To bad you will have to give up your comfy digs in the burbs for a section 8 government run complex in the inner city.

    The “Democrats” may have won but the reality of what is coming down the road has either not sunk in yet are you are blindly refusing to see.

    They won,you did not.

    Dumb and dumber is a democrat that does not face the reality of the progressive democrat party that has a history of pounding their supporters into the ground so they can give them free money and look like they are the savior.

    It’s like if Pelosi came and beat you up with a baseball bat and then you tell her afterwards while you are laying in the hospital,thank you for saving me from the bad orange guy.

    I told you,their target rate is 53% of your personal income,you guys took dumb and threw it out the window for insanity.

    But I understand,your party operates off of a battered wife syndrome aspect,you are so used to it you do not know any better.
    Last edited by Richard; February-19-21 at 12:42 AM.

  10. #235


    Oh he's on it again? Biden dialed that [[white-man-bad unless you prove you ain't) down at a point during his run sensing that he might need a few [[including their racists sons) for votes.

    So white men best beware once again. Including the supremacists types!

    After they're done duking it out, who's blamed in the end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    A special shoutout to ex military and law officers from your beloved president!

    Last edited by Zacha341; February-19-21 at 05:55 AM.

  11. #236


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Oh he's on it again? Biden dialed that [[white-man-bad unless you prove you ain't) down at a point during his run sensing that he might need a few [[including their racists sons) for votes.

    So white men best beware once again. Including the supremacists types!

    After they're done duking it out, who's blamed in the end?
    As a lower middle class "white man", I don't feel hated by the Democratic Party so much as being categorized as someone to be sacrificed for the greater good. The great white divide seems to be between the upper middle class and larger lower middle and working classes. Upper middle class suburbs are identifying themselves more with Billionaire Democrats and voting more Democratic. Rich whites can insulate themselves from Democratic Party policies and even profit from them in the cases of immigration, imports and gained status. As one article I contributed pointed out, Thorstien Veblin's concept of conspicuous consumption seems to now include supporting destructive policies that affect the rich much less than the poor. Rich whites who can support such policies to emphasize their status. It is either short sighted of Democrats not to realize that some of their polices are creating backlash or there is an intent to create this backlash. I don't know which.

    My suggestion to Democrats is to include all poor Americans - even whites in their policies and to prioritize them over foreigners. I think there will be much less resistance to progressive policies if poor whites are included. Right now, for instance, I see Biden making a big point of getting vaccines to POC. I do not hear Biden ever mentioning getting vaccines to economically challenged shut ins in rural parts of the Upper Penninsula or West Virginia.

    My suggestion to white guys who consider violence is to instead create and finance organizations similar to CAIR to peacefully and legally address racist affronts. It would be cheaper than buying guns. I mentioned before, if schools intentionally attacked Muslim history and culture the way they are attacking white culture and history, CAIR lawyers would be all over teachers and school administrators to protect Muslim children from institutional belittlement and scorn.
    Last edited by oladub; February-19-21 at 02:04 PM.

  12. #237


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    After they're done duking it out, who's blamed in the end?
    Doesn't matter.

    Those who focus on what really matters don't fall victim to pushbutton social issues and will duke it out against the pushers of those distractions and their gleefully willing media distractors [[views clicks clicks!). Until we gain better the hordes so easily distracted will continue to be duped.

    I'm an optimist.
    Last edited by bust; February-19-21 at 03:06 PM.

  13. #238


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Oh he's on it again? Biden dialed that [[white-man-bad unless you prove you ain't) down at a point during his run sensing that he might need a few [[including their racists sons) for votes.

    So white men best beware once again. Including the supremacists types!

    After they're done duking it out, who's blamed in the end?
    The ones pushing him down that road,including Harris and Omar,are married to white men.
    Last edited by Richard; February-20-21 at 01:03 AM.

  14. #239


    Imaad Zuberi, a Pakistani-American venture capitalist who cultivated connections with Joe Biden when he served as vice president, was sentenced to 12 years in prison on Thursday on foreign lobbying and campaign finance charges.
    Zuberi peddled influence at the highest levels of the U.S. government, meeting with both President Barack Obama and Biden during their administration. He also developed connections to prominent senators and House members of both political parties, which he leveraged to drum up overseas business deals.

    In 2014, the Sri Lankan government hired Zuberi to help rehabilitate its image after the government came under scrutiny over its mistreatment of minority groups in the country.
    Zuberi initially did not register with the Justice Department as a foreign agent, as he was required to do. He admitted to making false statements about the contract when he did register as a foreign agent in 2015.
    Zuberi also lobbied U.S. lawmakers to lift sanctions against a Bahraini citizen who sought to do business in the Middle Eastern country. Zuberi coaxed a bipartisan group of 12 House members to sign a letter calling for removal of the sanctions.
    Zuberi gained access to U.S. politicos through millions of dollars in campaign contributions, though hundreds of thousands of dollars of the donations came from so-called straw donors. Zuberi admitted to making $250,000 in illegal contributions to political candidates and committees — mostly Democratic — from 2012 to 2016.

    That seems like an impeachable offense for both Biden and Obama.

    Between the two of them they have built up 8 impeachable offenses,based on facts and not speculation like the democrat party that tried and failed multiple times.

    2022 will be the year of reckoning or Karma,depending on how one looks at it.

    Sure am glad the democrats set such a low standard for impeachment,it will come in handy.

    So this guy had the democrat party bought and paid for,while Obama had his guy at the head of DHS that was selling B1 visas and citizenship to the politically connected.

    Same guy that Biden just added back to his administration,knowing full well the guy was determined guilty.

    That’s operating just like a third world,when anybody in the world can buy a democrat politician in the United States,no wonder they let the cities get so screwed up for the last 50 years,they were too busy selling out their positions and country to the highest bidder.

    I guess we need to find out if he had connections to Omar,funding and influencing her rhetoric and stance when it comes to her Pakistani hatred for Israel that she spews.
    Last edited by Richard; February-20-21 at 01:26 AM.

  15. #240


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    As a lower middle class "white man", I don't feel hated by the Democratic Party so much as being categorized as someone to be sacrificed for the greater good. The great white divide seems to be between the upper middle class and larger lower middle and working classes. Upper middle class suburbs are identifying themselves more with Billionaire Democrats and voting more Democratic. Rich whites can insulate themselves from Democratic Party policies and even profit from them in the cases of immigration, imports and gained status. As one article I contributed pointed out, Thorstien Veblin's concept of conspicuous consumption seems to now include supporting destructive policies that affect the rich much less than the poor. Rich whites who can support such policies to emphasize their status. It is either short sighted of Democrats not to realize that some of their polices are creating backlash or there is an intent to create this backlash. I don't know which.

    My suggestion to Democrats is to include all poor Americans - even whites in their policies and to prioritize them over foreigners. I think there will be much less resistance to progressive policies if poor whites are included. Right now, for instance, I see Biden making a big point of getting vaccines to POC. I do not hear Biden ever mentioning getting vaccines to economically challenged shut ins in rural parts of the Upper Penninsula or West Virginia.

    My suggestion to white guys who consider violence is to instead create and finance organizations similar to CAIR to peacefully and legally address racist affronts. It would be cheaper than buying guns. I mentioned before, if schools intentionally attacked Muslim history and culture the way they are attacking white culture and history, CAIR lawyers would be all over teachers and school administrators to protect Muslim children from institutional belittlement and scorn.
    At least he is equally racist to all minorities too!


  16. #241


    Dozens of House Democrats want Biden to give up sole authority to launch nuclear weapons

    About three dozen House Democrats have signed a letter asking President Biden to renounce his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons, according to reports.


    Dang,you guys do not even trust your own pick with the nuclear football,at least with Trump it was only one party not trusting him.

    My guess this is really a ploy so the progressive socialist communist arm of the democrats can get their grubby hands on the nukes and use them to threaten red states if they do not bow to their will.

    If I was grandpa smurf I would have my own 24/7 security and trust none of those around him lest they pull a Julius Caesar on him.

    The whole reason it boils down to one, is to keep the nimwits out of the picture.

    Somebody launches a nuke at us,the democrat would say,after we get back from vacation we can hold hearings and see if we should retaliate,while they are in their little circle jerk,nukes will continue to rein down killing millions of Americans.

    That is some outright Iranian and South Korea thinking right there,I wonder how many Dems have been bought off by them.

    Not sure what they are worried about though,if it came down to it grandpa smurf would probably forget which red button to push,even though there is only one.
    Last edited by Richard; February-24-21 at 05:59 PM.

  17. #242


    Report: Biden Officials Colluded with Iran Behind Trump’s Back During His Presidency

    The Washington Times broke the story that former Obama secretary of state and current climate czar John Kerry was involved in backchannel talks with Iran’s foreign minister in 2019, potentially undercutting the Trump administration’s efforts to curb the world’s most notorious state sponsor of terrorism.
    The Washington Times’ report details meetings between Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and various Obama-era officials in New York during the summer of 2019 — including Kerry, Obama Middle East adviser Robert Malley and Obama-era Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz — aimed at establishing a parallel track of diplomacy behind the Trump administration’s back.


    Good thing Trump was on his toes as the shadow conspiracy operated in the background.

    Who hell do some of these people think they are that that can deal with foreign policy behind the back of a administration that they have no right to do.

    That is the definition of a traitor,conspiring with the enemy.

    I hope the democrats also feel nobody is above the law and start criminal actions against Kerry,my guess no,because with the democrats nobody is above the law except for the democrats.

    I wonder how many envelopes changed hands on that one.

    It goes to show how those in the corporate world are trying to dictate foreign policy.

    Why are the democrats colluding with a know sponsor of terrorism and a known enemy of the United States,makes one wonder if Iran also meddled in the 2020 elections with the blessing of the democrats.

    Makes sense why Twitter bans Trump but not Iran who tweets Death to all Americans.

    Or maybe that is the ultimate goal of those Dems,death to just the ones with a R.

    How would you guys react now if Trump went around the world and tried to dictate foreign policy while undermining Bidens agenda?

    You know exactly what would happen,Pelosi would be calling for hearings within minutes.

    Last edited by Richard; February-25-21 at 12:07 PM.

  18. #243


    Richard... do keep up with the times [[and I don't mean Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times). This was news in 2018 and 2019. Now that suddenly Fox News et al are bringing it up again it becomes "the sky is falling" to you... lol

    Trump's Attorney General's [[Sessions and Barr) both had ample time to do his bidding about it 2 years ago on this topic... so why are you bringing this up again now? Oh wait, that's because you are a parrot for the right wing media... Well while you go apoplectic with rage... the rest of us will deal with the present, until you catch up...


  19. #244


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Richard... do keep up with the times [[and I don't mean Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times). This was news in 2018 and 2019. Now that suddenly Fox News et al are bringing it up again it becomes "the sky is falling" to you... lol

    Trump's Attorney General's [[Sessions and Barr) both had ample time to do his bidding about it 2 years ago on this topic... so why are you bringing this up again now? Oh wait, that's because you are a parrot for the right wing media... Well while you go apoplectic with rage... the rest of us will deal with the present, until you catch up...

    Old news is new news. Who needs to ketchup?





  20. #245


    ^ that’s why the Dems put up the whole Russian collusion conspiracy,in order to draw attention away from their bed partners,China and Iran.

    Israeli has already made it clear to Grandpa smurf,they are not going to be pussyfooting about with the Obama/Biden red lines in the sand that flow with the wind.

    They pretty much said,with or without the US they will deal with Iran one way or another.

    Lots of foreign leaders are really questioning Grandpa smurfs motives in a lot of things,they know the only thing he accomplished in the last 40 years was to help destroy America and they want no part of that mentality.

    He is like a 55 gallon drum of toxic waste, trying to hand out straws to everybody and telling them to take a swig.

  21. #246


    Former President Donald Trump’s apprenticeship program, aimed at empowering workers and employers and cutting governmental red tape, has been cut by President Joe Biden.


    He wants to put the unions in charge,screw those inner city kids that need skills training,if they vote democrat then we will throw them some government aid so they can survive.

    Part 2

    The HHS Thursday froze the former Trump administration’s December drug policy that requires community health centers to pass on all their insulin and epinephrine discount savings to patients,” Bloomberg Law reported. “Centers that don’t pass on the savings wouldn’t qualify for federal grants.”

    Thats why the price of insulin has quadrupled sense Biden has taken office.

    Always striving to keep the poor man down the Democratic way.

    Part 3

    Becerra Tells Congress He ‘Never Sued Any Nuns’ Despite California’s Little Sisters of the Poor Lawsuit

    In 2017, Becerra filed a lawsuit on behalf of California against the Trump administration to reimpose the federal Obamacare mandate forcing health insurers to provide contraception coverage. Former President Obama’s HHS had imposed the contraception mandate on nearly all health insurers in 2011, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, who objected to it on religious grounds, opening themselves up to crippling government fines. The Little Sisters is a Catholic order of nuns who care for the elderly in need.

    So he sued the poor little nuns,that spend their life taking care of the elderly and disadvantaged because he wanted to force them to provide birth control to other against their religion.

    Thats as bad as democrats pushing for abortions into the 9th month,so they can sadisticly rip out out of the mother’s womb,while stuffing it into a plastic bag so they can throw it into the dumpster,my guess is they will listen for that first cry before stuffing it into that plastic bag.

    Thats pretty low,even for a democrat.

    Bet you they do not charge him with lying under oath as they would have any republican.

    Last edited by Richard; February-25-21 at 05:21 PM.

  22. #247


    ^^ LMAO Richard... that Conservativefighters "site" that you linked to had 7 opinion questions peppered throughout their web page asking if you still support Trump. Sounds pretty impartial to me.... NOT...

  23. #248


    Gistok that is why you guys are so easy to manipulate by your directors,easily distracted from the truth with little trinkets

  24. #249


    This is the man democrats chose to run our country.


  25. #250


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    This is the man democrats chose to run our country.

    Isn't it funny how Democrats can disagree with each other and Biden, without getting the kind of retribution that Republicans who don't follow Trump get?

    Thank you for bringing that up...
    Last edited by Gistok; February-26-21 at 08:13 PM.

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