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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    Typical Repugnant....always confusing a right with a privilege. The biggest reason is that you've already accomplished everything required at the S.O.S. office. That's how you got the voting card to begin with. It's not your picture...it's your signature on the card. If it's your pic, then put the damn thing on the card to begin with ! Then instead of claiming that's not your signature, I'd get to hear 80 year old retired senile women stare at me and say, "that doesn't look like you." Of course all this is necessary because we know poor minorities just love to stand in line multiple times for 8 hours a shot just to vote two or three times and risk a felony charge. Why it's their favorite thing to do ! lol
    Mr G would call that deflection.

    We are entering into the self imposed realm of voting with absentee ballots,on a scale of something that has never been done in the world,there are rules that are set to prevent voter fraud and eliminate as many chances of fraud as possible.

    You do not complain about having to have a password for everything under the sun on the internet in order to prove you have a right to log on.

    Why are you saying it is only minorities that are going to stand in line to vote multiple times and commit voter fraud?

    That seems kinda racist to me.

    Then you label 80 year old women as all senile.

    Maybe you should update your picture Ids so they look like you,but then you would not be able to blame it on 80 year old senile women.

    See the pattern?

    You have 4 years inbetween elections,you cannot find the time in all of those 4 years to simply make sure your voting information is up to date ?

    One would think if people really cared about making their vote matter,they would invest a little time to make sure their end of the process is held up.

    People marched and died for the right to vote after the democrats tried to not allow them,it was minorities that died in that process.

    You are thinking it is to much to ask for somebody to go out of their way in order make sure free and fair elections continue on in their memory?
    Last edited by Richard; February-05-21 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    Typical Repugnant....always confusing a right with a privilege. The biggest reason is that you've already accomplished everything required at the S.O.S. office. That's how you got the voting card to begin with. It's not your picture...it's your signature on the card. If it's your pic, then put the damn thing on the card to begin with ! Then instead of claiming that's not your signature, I'd get to hear 80 year old retired senile women stare at me and say, "that doesn't look like you." Of course all this is necessary because we know poor minorities just love to stand in line multiple times for 8 hours a shot just to vote two or three times and risk a felony charge. Why it's their favorite thing to do ! lol
    The picture is not the issue! Showing some sort of ID would be a big improvement of what is happening currently!

    Name:  FA4D1E40-CCAB-436E-BE51-B817605A7BE0.jpeg
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  3. #28


    Once malice is embraced as a virtue, it is impossible to contain
    October 3, 2018
    The Trump era is such a whirlwind of cruelty that it can be hard to keep track. This week alone, the news broke that the Trump administration was seeking to ethnically cleanse more than 193,000 American children of immigrants whose temporary protected status had been revoked by the administration, that the Department of Homeland Security had lied about creating a database of children that would make it possible to unite them with the families the Trump administration had arbitrarily destroyed, that the White House was considering a blanket ban on visas for Chinese students, and that it would deny visas to the same-sex partners of foreign officials. At a rally in Mississippi, a crowd of Trump supporters cheered as the president mocked Christine Blasey Ford, the psychology professor who has said that Brett Kavanaugh, whom Trump has nominated to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court, attempted to rape her when she was a teenager. “Lock her up!” they shouted.

    Ford testified to the Senate, utilizing her professional expertise to describe the encounter, that one of the parts of the incident she remembered most was Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge laughing at her as Kavanaugh fumbled at her clothing. “Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter,” Ford said, referring to the part of the brain that processes emotion and memory, “the uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.” And then at Tuesday’s rally, the president made his supporters laugh at her.

    Even those who believe that Ford fabricated her account, or was mistaken in its details, can see that the president’s mocking of her testimony renders all sexual-assault survivors collateral damage. Anyone afraid of coming forward, afraid that they would not be believed, can now look to the president to see their fears realized. Once malice is embraced as a virtue, it is impossible to contain....

    The cruelty of the Trump administration’s policies, and the ritual rhetorical flaying of his targets before his supporters, are intimately connected....

    We can hear the spectacle of cruel laughter throughout the Trump era....

  4. #29


    ^ Kinda like when we heard the cruel laughter when accusations against Biden came out?

    The difference is Bidens accusers never got the chance to be heard before being silenced.

    Fords accusations from the start were proven to be unreliable,even her FBI reports made that clear,but you guys used that false accusation as a political platform and even used it as a base to storm the hearings in order to disrupt them.

    Now you are still so obsessed with Trump that you desperately keep trying to look for reasons,to keep the hate inside and as a diversion tactic so people are not paying attention to what is really happening.

    So you continue to throw the baby out with the bath water with no regard to the aftermath left behind.

    Or in plain English,BFD,or as you like to tell everybody else,move on he is no longer president.

    I think after being inundated with oceans of orange man bad for the last 4 years,we get it,you do not want to sleep with the guy,but at least try and keep your fantasies about him as he still lives in the space inside of your head,to a minimum of whining.

    Do what everybody else has done,write a book and become famous in a world that nobody cared about in the first place,so easy a cave man can do it,600 pages of simply saying orange man bad,or spice it up and have every other page say,Trump sucks.

    In case you have not noticed it is 2021,Trump sucks,orange man bad is so 2020,we have moved on to rounding up and extermination of anybody that that ever supported him,some are so triggered that they need to erase everything and everybody in history related to his administration.

    You know,Kinda like the statue purges,does not really do anything outside of a moment of pleasure.

  5. #30


    Has anybody here seen Lou Dobbs ?
    Can you tell me where he's gone ?
    He lied to a lot of people,
    and dyed his hair orange to look young,
    I tried Fox News and he was gone.

    Has anybody here seen Sidney Powell,
    Can you tell me where she's gone ?
    She lied about massive voter fraud,
    and Dominion has called her bluff,
    and soon her license will be gone.

    Has anybody here seen Rudy G,
    Can you tell me which show he's now on ?
    He dripped a lot of dye while telling lies,
    ripped a fart and now he's gone.

  6. #31


    Amazing how some 50 year old music suddenly becomes relative again. It's also what happens when I 'wake n' bake' on a cold snowy day. Freedom !!

  7. #32


    ^ the last couple of posts seem more in the lines of purple micro dot verses smoke.

    On that subject,I saw a bud the other day that was over a foot long and at least 9” thick,they are injecting carbon dioxide into the hydro systems creating triple the output of a singular plant,kinda kills the plant that Mother Nature created argument though.

  8. #33


    The level of corruption of the Republicans is reaching astronomical levels.

    Here is one that was over shadowed by a election year where they screwed the citizens of Ohio a few Billion via their monthly electric bills and for the opportunity to put Tens of Millions in their own pocket.

    This story drives home why the GOP want a “deep state” gone. Without Federal oversight they would bleed tax payers dry to enrich themselves.


  9. #34


    ^^^ Yep it is. And not exactly a 'level' flat-line of wholesomeness, virtue and gleeful honesty from the evolving democratic side.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-06-21 at 01:47 PM.

  10. #35


    I think in part that is because the compass is wrecked as to what defines virtue. That's why you see virtue-signalling towards policies and ideas that are hardly virtuous. Instead mere distinctions towards being on the 'correct' team -- amended almost daily.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-06-21 at 01:48 PM.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^^^ Yep it is. And not exactly a 'level' flat-line of wholesomeness, virtue and gleeful honesty from the evolving democratic side.
    I am not saying there is Zacha.

    At the same time you can not excuse every abuse with ‘the other side does it to!’ Defense. If we do that we are doomed to massive public corruption. I hope I am correct that you can understand that. Many Republicans are rolling with that defense. It is irrelevant, illogical and lacks intelligence. Any student using ‘what about’ in a debate class would get a F.

  12. #37


    ^ I here that... I did not say you did, but that thinking is out there. No, I don't subscribe to the 'either/ or'. I get it - indeed too many are riding that busted teeter-totter [[we're up vs. you're down). Read the average news article - filled of revenge [[our turn) politics. That's why I choose to remain ever-vigilant looking both ways when crossing the street of politics [[to policy, to person). Must be the skeptical 'Detroiter' in me..........

    Crazy times for sure! But not particularly surprising.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-06-21 at 02:51 PM.

  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^ I here that... I did not say you did, but that thinking is out there. No, I don't subscribe to the 'either/ or'. I get it - indeed too many are riding that busted teeter-totter [[we're up vs. you're down). Read the average news article - filled of revenge [[our turn) politics. That's why I choose to remain ever-vigilant looking both ways when crossing the street of politics [[to policy, to person). Must be the skeptical 'Detroiter' in me..........

    Crazy times for sure! But not particularly surprising.
    Myself, I am shocked. For example: Any person claiming Sandy Hook was a faked conspiracy for political gain shows a complete and total lack of empathy for young American children that violently died and their survivors. Any and all politicians that turn a blind eye to that type of sick garbage because it underpins their political goals is beyond disturbing. The Republicans are excepting that crap. There are now way to many examples to claim it was a fluke.
    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; February-06-21 at 06:42 PM.

  14. #39


    ^ Yeah I was perhaps being a bit facetious about the surprise factor.

    Too many are becoming what they're going after!

  15. #40


    Democratic Impeachment Manager Video at Trial -- How Trump Instigated Violent Capitol Insurrection

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    Democratic Impeachment Manager Video at Trial -- How Trump Instigated Violent Capitol Insurrection
    Funny how they left out the part where he said march peacefully to the Capital!
    How do you explain pipe bombs planted the night before if this speech started the madness? Not to mention the breach of the Capital started 15mi before his speech ended?

  17. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Funny how they left out the part where he said march peacefully to the Capital!
    How do you explain pipe bombs planted the night before if this speech started the madness? Not to mention the breach of the Capital started 15mi before his speech ended?
    The MAGA crowd was NOT all in front of the Ellipse side of the White House. Some were far from the speech and were already on their way to the Capitol. Do I have to find aerial footage?
    Last edited by Gistok; February-11-21 at 11:17 AM.

  18. #43


    Aerial footage would be nice.

    Because that is becoming the issue.

    Even though banks and cell phone companies have turned over the data that shows anybody that was within 20 miles of the capital,they still have to prove who was actually inside of the capital,and not even who was inside but those who were inside, outside of the publicy allowed parts.

    Cell phone data that they are using only gives them within 100 feet,so you could have been legally in the rotunda and 1 foot within the 100 ft rule and they will have a tough time with prosecution.

    The only way they can identify to prosecute is with video evidence,being there on the steps or in the public spaces of the building was not illegal.

    Otherwise you could prosecute everybody that attended the summer protests that turned into a riot,with simply being there as guilty of participating in a riot.
    Last edited by Richard; February-11-21 at 10:51 AM.

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Let me explain it to you in common English... the MAGA crowd was NOT all in front of the Ellipse side of the White House. Some were far from the speech and were already on their way to the Capitol. Are you up to speed yet, or do I have to find aerial footage to explain it?
    Are you still so naive to believe it was all Trump supporters? The FBI has released data that a large number of those arrested never even voted!

  20. #45


    ^ Maybe they did vote... but their ballots were tossed...

    I don't consider having voted or not is criteria for being a Trump supporter [[ditto for Biden supporters).

    Sure did see a lot of red hats and "stars and bars" in that crowd. Kinda gives the impression of being Trump supporters. Ditto for those with social media accounts and the history of what they've been posting.
    Last edited by Gistok; February-11-21 at 11:24 AM.

  21. #46


    Here's some info from the BBC about many of those who were arrested. One interesting item was that this was not a young crowd.


  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ^^ I figured they can't just use cell phone data as a guide, due to the low number [[still in the low hundreds) of people the FBI is going after.
    I think hundreds is a stretch considering some they have gone after were simply out walking their dog and had nothing to to with anything,outside of a cell phone ping.

    NYT did the same thing LEO does to circumvent the law of obtaining a search warrant to get cell information,they simply bought the information from the cell companies.

    It is interesting how they track the movement across the city as it flows,there was actually little movement from the speech to the capital building after the speech.

    Contrary to being reported as everybody left the rally and stormed the capital building.

    Most just went home afterwards.

    I think a lot of it was just watching the summer riots where politicians supported the violence with little accountability,so some may have figured it was just another day in the park.

    Last night Antifa stormed another police precinct and tried to burn it to the ground,it appears as though the media forgets about all of that stuff still going on nightly without let up.
    Last edited by Richard; February-11-21 at 11:33 AM.

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Are you still so naive to believe it was all Trump supporters? The FBI has released data that a large number of those arrested never even voted!
    First they were Antifa, now not Trump supporters...what’s next Chinese spies?

    Back to the thread topic, the downfall of the Republican Party is and will be that they deny reality and make up lies and fantasy conspiracies.

    After losing the House, Senate and WH with a incumbent Prez you would think a light bulb would start to flicker... Instead they are going to just double down on more made up bullshit.

  24. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    First they were Antifa, now not Trump supporters...what’s next Chinese spies?

    Back to the thread topic, the downfall of the Republican Party is and will be that they deny reality and make up lies and fantasy conspiracies.

    After losing the House, Senate and WH with a incumbent Prez you would think a light bulb would start to flicker... Instead they are going to just double down on more made up bullshit.

    Hey, it worked for the Democrats.

  25. #50


    Penalties for Donald Trump if convicted of insurrection:

    1. Loss of all gov't benefits.

    2. Possibly 75% of his estate be restituted.

    3. He WILL NOT run for re-election for any U.S. Gov't offices.

    At least he will not get some jail time!

    But it's NOT over yet. The FBI can still charge him for tax evasion. And Dept. of Justice can charge him with conspiracy of commit collusion with a foreign power And conspiracy to commit insurrection or a Coup D'etat against the United States of America.
    Last edited by Danny; February-11-21 at 01:05 PM.

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