It will be interesting, as they have indicated a December 1st start date for construction. As mentioned,I know they were waiting to see if the legislation got passed before picking a design option. Has Gov Snyder even signed the bill yet to make it official?

Assuming it goes through, there are several logistical question I have. As I understand it, a certain number of sites will be eligible for the tax capture under this new legislation. That being said, there is no guarantee the Hudson site will be chosen.

1- Do we even know when the first sites will be chosen, and how that selection process works?
2- If the "selection" doesn't occur until after Dec 1, does that mean construction gets held up until Gilbert finds out if the Hudsons site is selected?
3- Is Gilbert allowed to wait past Dec 1 to start construction, or does his site development agreement force him to begin construction by then?